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How do I request to publish / update information on the department's website?

Publish and update information
all Department members;


You can revoke the publication of all or part of your personal information on the site at any time, by contacting the Department's webmaster.

Doctoral Students (personal info)

If you would like to update/supply the information for your Department-Profile-Box and/or your Department-Personal-Page  please us this email-template to communicate your information to us, attaching photos or pdfs you want linked. Note: We are happy to create a Department-Personal-Page  for you, even if you already have a page at a chair. We will then place a link on the former to the  latter. Also, we can circumvent a Department- or Chair-Personal-Page by linking directly from the Department-Profile-Box to you personal research page. Just let us know (This is also the Default for the Job-Market page).

Please seperately notify us at helge.braun@wiso.uni-koeln.de if you are planning to go on the job market /or/ are a finishing student (wether looking for a job or already placed). We can then publish your profile on the job-market page.

Students MSc Economic Research (personal info)

If you want to / have been asked to update infomation on the CGS MSc Economic Research student page, please use this email-template.

SHK / WHK /WHB (CER only; (personal info)

Office Staff(TuV) ((personal info))

Please implement or notify webmaster of changes/additions.
