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January 6th, 2025

Department of Economics: Website-Relaunch

!!! Wir gestalten diese website derzeit um, von Center of Macroeconomic Research (CMR) bzw. Center for Economic Research (CER) auf eine Department of Economics-website.  Das CMR-Office Team erreichen Sie unter: Econ-Office Zollstock. Das Shared-Office-2 Team unter Econ-Office Campus. Diese zwei Office-Teams betreuen jeweils einen Teil der Professor:innen des CER. Alle Zuordnungen nach Lehrstühlen des Department of Economics finden Sie unter Kontakt, Bitte entschuldigen Sie etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten.

!!! We are currently restructuring this website, moving from Center of Macroeconomic Research (CMR) / Center for Economic Research (CER) to a Department of Economics-website. You can reach the CMR Office team at: Econ-Office Zollstock and the Shared-Office-2 team under Econ-Office Campus. You can find the complete allocation of offices to chairs of the Department of Economics under Contact. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We are currently prioritizing concerns/messages concerning the website. We invite your corrections, comments, and suggestions.
If your concern is regarding a particular page on our website, please provide the relevant URL below.