Daniele Mauriello (University of Bonn)
11:00, in person, IZA (Applied Micro Coffee)
11:00, in person, IZA (Applied Micro Coffee)
The Securitization of Market Competition? EU Economic Statecraft in the Age of Geopolitics
16:00, in person, MPifG…
Energy Security in net-zero Energy Systems / Proposal: District Heat Decoded
17:00, in person, Room KFR 1 / AWF…
Practical and Theoretical Aspects of High- Dimensional Portfolio Selection
16:00, in person, Main Building, Lecture…
Article-Level Slant and Polarization in News Consumption on Social Media
Bonn Applied Micro Seminar, IZA, in person,…
Political Science and Political Economy Lecture
Shaping Beliefs: Elicitation and Bias Identification
Title: tba
Selten Lecture: „CEO Social Preferences and Layoffs“