Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

Department of Economics, Econ-Office Zollstock (Building 415)
Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2 - 8; 50969 Köln
Office 3.509 (Entrance B, Orange, 3rd Floor)
Phone: +49 221 470 3896
Office hours by appointment
Research Focus
Growth, Inequality, Structural Change, Labor, Technical Change
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 1998 Professor of Economics (C3), Universität zu Köln
- 2008 Visiting Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Canada)
- 1997 - 1998 Visiting Professor, DELTA, CNRS, EHESS, ENS, Paris (France)
- 1996 - 1997 Visiting Professor, Instituto de Análisis Económico, Barcelona (Spain)
- 1991 - 1996 Assistant Professor, University of Bonn (Prof. U. Schweizer)
- 1988 - 1991 Visiting Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, New-Delhi, India Consultant, Society for Development Alternatives, New-Delhi, India
- 1986 - 1987 Doctoral Studies, London School of Economics
- 1985 - 1986 Doctoral Studies, Universität Bonn
- 1987 - 1989 Doctoral Studies, Universität Bonn
- 1983 - 1984 Studies of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
- 1979 - 1982/84 Studies of Economics, Universität Bonn
Working Papers
- “Endogenous Growth, Green Innovation and GDP Decelaration in a World with Pollution and Green Innovation”, with K. Burghaus. University of Cologne Working Paper Series in Economics 84, 2018. (Extended Appendix)
- “Leisure and Learning – Activities and Their Effects on Child Development”, with T. Kemper. University of Cologne Working Paper Series in Economics 85, 2017.
- “Human Capital, Polarization, and Pareto-Improving Activating Welfare”. Economic Journal, forthcoming Accepted manuscript online: 2 FEB 2018 09:45AM EST | DOI: 10.1111/ecoj.12575, 2018.
- "Inflation and Innovation-Driven Growth", with B. Kromen. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 10 (1): Article 23, 2010.
- "Entry and Growth in a Perfectly Competitive Vintage Model". Journal of Economic Theory 138 (1): 211-236, 2007.
- "Endogenous Skill Bias", with T. Vogel. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (11): 2155-2193, 2004.
- "Induced Innovation: An Empirical Test", with I. Armanville. Applied Economics 35 (15): 1627-1647, 2003.
- "Induced Innovation Revisited". Economica 69 (273): 155-171, 2002.
- "Status Effects and Negative Utility Growth", with B. Cooper & C. Garcia-Penalosa. Economic Journal 111 (473): 642-665, 2001.
- "Satiation and Underdevelopment". Journal of Development Economics 57 (2): 319-341, 1998.
- "Auctions with Interdependent Valuations". International Journal of Game Theory 25 (1): 51-64, 1996.
- "Bertrand and Walras Equilibria in Large Economies". Journal of Economic Theory 67 (2): 436-466, 1995.
- Reprinted in: The legacy of Leon Walras 2: 406-436, (2001) in: Elgar Reference Collection. Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economics 7, Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.
- Book review of "Aghion, P. and Griffith, R.: Competition and Growth, Reconciling Theory and Evidence". Journal of Economics 90 (1): 111-116, 2007.
Unpublished Working Papers
"Short-term Price Rigidity in an Endogenous Growth Model: Non-Superneutrality and a Non-vertical Long-term Phillips-curve", with B. Kromen. University of Cologne Working Paper Series in Economics 29, 2006.
"Persistent Inequality when Learning Requires a Minimal Standard of Living", T. Vogel. UCL Discussion Paper Series, DP 03-09, 2003.
"Automation and Unemployment". Delta Discussion Paper 97-23, 1997.
"Can Capitalists Remain Rich Without Working?". Delta Discussion Paper 97-21, 1997.
"Dynamic Gains from Trade". University of Bonn, Germany, Discussion Paper Serie A, Nr. 509, 1996.
"Endogenous Growth, Temporary Equilibrium, and the Direction of Change". University of Bonn, Germany, Discussion Paper Serie A, Nr. 506, 1996.
"Economic Possibilities for the Grandchildren of John Maynard Keynes". University of Bonn, Germany, Discussion Paper Serie A, Nr. 512, 1996.
"On the Dynamic Efficiency of the Market System". University of Bonn, Germany, Discussion Paper Serie A, Nr. 507, 1996.
"The Direction of Technological Change". University of Bonn, Germany, Discussion Paper Serie A, Nr. 393, 1993.